Our lives are not our own.

Follow our family's journey as we give up the "American Dream" to live and love in Uganda.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Old is Old

I turned 32 years old this past week.

It was one of the best birthday's I have ever had. I went to the Women of Faith Conference with my mom, grandma, and oldest daughter. It was so cool to have 4 generations of Jesus followers...What an awesome legacy!

Then our youth group brought their change in for World Malaria Day in honor of my birthday. We raised $194.00 and World Vision doubled our donation amount for mosquito nets and medication. So exciting to see kids care! Autum my 2nd oldest daughter gave me three dollars and change for the cause. It was a VERY special birthday gift because she has a very hard time parting with her money :)

We celebrated Sunday after church with Jeremy's side of the family. I love those Howards! We ate sandwiches, my favorite food, and played at the park. It was so fun to play with the cousins and I cant believe I have no pictures to show. Bummer!

It was a busy weekend that was followed up with a very crazy Monday.

The Women's Ministry at our church holds a very lovely tea every year. It is always so much fun. This year I spoke alongside two of my dear friends. I wanted to share it with my peeps who weren't able to attend.

The link is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OT6pceF0Sas&sns=em

There are two parts so look for it on the side bar :)

There is not too much to report about Africa. It seems like we are in a holding pattern as far as our travel plans go. We are trying hard to be flexible and patient...two things that don't really come naturally. If you are praying people, will you please keep us in your prayers? Hopefully my next blog post will be more interesting.


  1. God said I could have a Corvette, its not here though....I think he may be borrowing it.

  2. what about the OTHER gift u got?

  3. Shhhhh. People might try to steal it...



About Me

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Las Vegas, Nevada, United States