Our lives are not our own.

Follow our family's journey as we give up the "American Dream" to live and love in Uganda.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Hey God.

I am having a really hard day. Can You help me? It is so easy for me to depend on You for all of the big stuff. But I am so worried about the little stuff. The suitcases being to heavy, the children freaking out on the plane, getting to the capitol building at 8 am, having the right documents copied and stored, tying the loose ends at home....can You help me with all of that stuff too? I am so weary and our journey has not yet begun. I can feel the wave of emotion coming but I am scared to let it flow. Will You hold me close and be my daddy? I am really sad and lonely. Even though there are so many people around. Did You feel like that when You were here? It's been so busy lately and I miss just sitting in your presence. I need you.
Thank you for my Jeremy. You really out did Yourself there. Can You help him too? He is doing a great job caring for us but I'm a little worried about him too. Give him what he needs. Speak to Him through Your word as he leads our family. And please be with the children. My heart hurts for them. Each one of them is dealing with their emotions differently and sometimes I don't know what to do or how to help them. Please be their comfort and strength. Give them the grace they need to get through this transition. Protect them God, physically and mentally and spiritually. Help them to keep their innocence Lord. This seems like too much for them but I trust You and Your will for our family.
Thank You for Your provision. Thank You for Your peace.
I do so love You.

1 comment:

  1. I think about your big move and it makes me cry. I am so happy that you are being used by God in such a huge way. I only hope that I can be used by Him like that one day.
    I can't wait to read about your adventures. You will always always be in my prayers. For reals.



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Las Vegas, Nevada, United States