Our lives are not our own.

Follow our family's journey as we give up the "American Dream" to live and love in Uganda.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


The countdown has begun...
Only 3 weeks till I leave my beloved Uganda. I think I have moved past grief to acceptance. I am defiantly sitting in the wonder of it. I got to live in Africa with my family. A dream come true. So now the dream I can surrender.

How amazing that God sees us and knows us.

When I got married at nineteen, I still believed in dreaming. At the age of twenty four with four kids, I started to let go of my dreams. When I found myself turning 30 with seven children, I gave up dreaming because I was stuck in a nightmare.

Some how.


God has awakened my heart to dream.

He is giving me the courage to see beyond myself.

Past me I find HIM. The reason for dreaming. The one in whom I hope. The giver of all good things.

My Savior.


  1. I wonder what adventures He has for you in the future, this Giver of Dreams! Like you, I am sad to see this one end - but I believe - truly - that what's in store is going to be awesome!



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Las Vegas, Nevada, United States